Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mr Scrooge

I have a bitter taste in my mouth. It's the bitter taste you can taste when a soul is corrupted and assimilated into the world of the shadows (Plato, anybody?). My dear friend, how did you become this person?
   He was, without a doubt in my mind, the closest friend I had. When I broke up with my first girlfriend he was there, when my mother died he was there, when I got tossed out of the house by my father... he was there. He helped me with everything and I do hope to god that I helped him with everything he needed. He was always the strong/silent type of person, but he did come to me for advice and I could tell when something was wrong. Now... He won't talk to me, not on the internet or the phone, and I haven't met him in almost six months. I miss that big guy... but when I hear from people what he has become, I don't feel I know him anymore. He and I walked hand in hand through everything when we were adolescents. Music, politics, views on life, we shared it all. Today I hear he has become obsessed with money and hangs out with people he stopped hanging out with when we met. When we hung out our lives were about doing what we wanted, getting shitfaced and having a good fucking time. Today he's about chartered trips to some expensive country and tall-glass-cocktails at hotel bars. It's a damn shame. I don't feel like the person I once knew even exists anymore, so here's to you. I'll toast your demise in beer and light a cigar in your honor. See you in the afterlife, dear friend. Rest in peace and hope your economy lasts even after nobody likes you any more, mr Scrooge.

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"I believe that God left certain drugs growing naturally upon our planet to help speed up and facilitate our evolution. OK, not the most popular idea ever expressed. Either that or you're all real high and agreeing with me in the only way you can right now."
-Bill Hicks